Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Mohawk Party At Work

We had a Mohawk, hair dying, beer drinking, scrum party at work on Friday. I work for a, and we're doing really well, so a bunch of the management team and engineers said they'd get mohawks if we hit a certain number last month. We hit it, so they did it! It was so much fun. All week, one of the engineers said he couldn't get one because his wife would kill him, but after a few beers and watching everyone else do it, he stepped it up and got one too. I didn't get a mohawk, but did wake up the next morning with a huge bump on my head. I have no idea how I got it. No more wine and vodka for me at work.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
A Few Things I Learned...
During my brief breakup, I learned a few things about men that I thought I'd share. It's more like things that guys shouldn't do if they want to date a girl. I know there's tons, but here's a few that I have learned. Guys, pay attention....
- If you are trying to get a date with a girl, don't ask her to be a friend on Facebook and have your profile say "Married" or "In A Relationship".
- Don't talk about yourself in the third person. It's extremely annoying to hear you say, "Joe Smith's going to get a drink tonight" or "Joe Smith thought he'd call you to see what's up." Nothing will be up if you keep talking like that - trust me.
- Don't send the same myspace comment to 10 different girls. When we notice that you're receiving a bunch of "thanks for the comment" messages, we may just click on the girl's profiles to see what you wrote. It's one of the few times when copy and paste is not a good idea.
- Don't spend an hour on the phone talking to me about your crazy ex girlfriend. All I can say is, get over it.
- Try really hard to remember what you talked to me about on the phone before. I don't want to hear the same stories over and over, especially when you just told me that story 2 hours ago.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Roses from my "bodybuilder boyfriend"

On Friday the 12th, I received the prettiest red and pink roses at work. Corie and I had gone to pick up some snacks for a work meeting, and the roses were sitting on a table in the front. I rarely receive flowers at work, and was surprised to see that they were for me. I opened the card and the card said, "From your bodybuilder boyfriend".
I guess I should back up a bit. So, my boyfriend and I have been having problems lately, mainly because things haven't felt really solid and we haven't been able to spend a lot of time together. He has a very demanding job, we both have children, etc., etc.. We briefly split up, but pulled it back together. Anyways, I am also trying really hard to get back in shape, and started talking to a personal trainer about it. My personal trainer happens to be a good looking body builder. When I told my boyfriend about the trainer, he was fine with it, but jokingly said, "oh that's good, as long as he looks like a troll. He does, right?" I told him he was a former bodybuilder, but didn't make a big deal about it, and we started talking about something else.
I guess he must have been thinking about it that week because I got the flowers on Friday. I called him to thank him for the roses, and he teasingly said, "oh, did you get flowers from your bodybuilder boyfriend?"
Thursday, September 11, 2008
My Boyfriend's "Man Crush"
My boyfriend has a "man crush" on Michael Phelps. Who doesn't these days, right? So I went online and bought him a Speedo swimming cap that says "Phelps" on the side with an American flag. I told him he should go to his gym, put on the cap, and stand at the edge of the pool, and act like he's Michael Phelps. If you saw my boyfriend, you would think that's hilarious. He's 43, has an amazing body, but from what he says, swims really slow. Senior citizens walking in the pool beat him to the other side. He hasn't worn the cap to his pool yet, but he has put it on for me at home. (after the pout face and pleassseeee honey) Next I want to buy him a speedo, so I can see him with the cap and the speedo on. I'm trying to talk him into letting me take a picture of him like that, but he's not going for it. Hmmm...we'll see. Stay tuned...
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Issue in the Men's Restroom
It's about 11:15am today, and I'm sitting at my desk, working on a project for our CEO, when one of the engineers walks over. Since I sit in the front, it's pretty common for employees to walk over to me when they have an issue and are unsure of what to do. I will call him "D". Here's how our conversation went:
D: "Hey M, you know how we have 2 stalls in the men's restroom? They're actually like 2 little rooms because you can't see in them when the doors closed?"
M: "Uhhh..yah."
D: "One of the stalls has been locked since noon yesterday. I thought I just had bad timing, but it was locked at noon, then when I went in at 3, and 7 last night, and just now when I went in there. What's the protocol on that? Can you check it? Maybe someone died in there."
I started thinking, why doesn't he just knock on the door? Why would he wait so long if he thought something was wrong in the bathroom? If the door's been locked for 24 hours, and someone was sick in there, then that guy could really be dead. Since I am a woman, I really didn't want to go into the men's restroom, I have to draw the line somewhere, so I run over to one of the manager's desks, with D running behind me.
M: "Can you please check the men's restroom? One of the doors has been locked since noon yesterday and D thinks someone may have died in there."
The manager runs to the restroom to check. One of the VPs walks over to see what the commotion is about so we tell him about the locked door. He says he didn't notice and jokingly says if both stalls are tied up, he usually goes in the shower. A female employee, "R" is sitting in the cubicle close by, listening to everything going on. The manager comes out and tells us that everything's fine, the door was just closed, not locked, and no one was in the stall.
I IM R as soon as I walk over to my desk.
M: oh wow
R: THAT was hysterical.
Later after lunch, the manager's standing at my desk so I ask him if he was scared that he was going to find someone dead in the restroom. The manager says, "I wasn't scared that I would find someone dead , I was more afraid that I would find someone dead with their pants around their ankles."
D: "Hey M, you know how we have 2 stalls in the men's restroom? They're actually like 2 little rooms because you can't see in them when the doors closed?"
M: "Uhhh..yah."
D: "One of the stalls has been locked since noon yesterday. I thought I just had bad timing, but it was locked at noon, then when I went in at 3, and 7 last night, and just now when I went in there. What's the protocol on that? Can you check it? Maybe someone died in there."
I started thinking, why doesn't he just knock on the door? Why would he wait so long if he thought something was wrong in the bathroom? If the door's been locked for 24 hours, and someone was sick in there, then that guy could really be dead. Since I am a woman, I really didn't want to go into the men's restroom, I have to draw the line somewhere, so I run over to one of the manager's desks, with D running behind me.
M: "Can you please check the men's restroom? One of the doors has been locked since noon yesterday and D thinks someone may have died in there."
The manager runs to the restroom to check. One of the VPs walks over to see what the commotion is about so we tell him about the locked door. He says he didn't notice and jokingly says if both stalls are tied up, he usually goes in the shower. A female employee, "R" is sitting in the cubicle close by, listening to everything going on. The manager comes out and tells us that everything's fine, the door was just closed, not locked, and no one was in the stall.
I IM R as soon as I walk over to my desk.
M: oh wow
R: THAT was hysterical.
Later after lunch, the manager's standing at my desk so I ask him if he was scared that he was going to find someone dead in the restroom. The manager says, "I wasn't scared that I would find someone dead , I was more afraid that I would find someone dead with their pants around their ankles."
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