Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Issue in the Men's Restroom

It's about 11:15am today, and I'm sitting at my desk, working on a project for our CEO, when one of the engineers walks over. Since I sit in the front, it's pretty common for employees to walk over to me when they have an issue and are unsure of what to do. I will call him "D". Here's how our conversation went:

D: "Hey M, you know how we have 2 stalls in the men's restroom? They're actually like 2 little rooms because you can't see in them when the doors closed?"
M: "Uhhh..yah."
D: "One of the stalls has been locked since noon yesterday. I thought I just had bad timing, but it was locked at noon, then when I went in at 3, and 7 last night, and just now when I went in there. What's the protocol on that? Can you check it? Maybe someone died in there."

I started thinking, why doesn't he just knock on the door? Why would he wait so long if he thought something was wrong in the bathroom? If the door's been locked for 24 hours, and someone was sick in there, then that guy could really be dead. Since I am a woman, I really didn't want to go into the men's restroom, I have to draw the line somewhere, so I run over to one of the manager's desks, with D running behind me.

M: "Can you please check the men's restroom? One of the doors has been locked since noon yesterday and D thinks someone may have died in there."

The manager runs to the restroom to check. One of the VPs walks over to see what the commotion is about so we tell him about the locked door. He says he didn't notice and jokingly says if both stalls are tied up, he usually goes in the shower. A female employee, "R" is sitting in the cubicle close by, listening to everything going on. The manager comes out and tells us that everything's fine, the door was just closed, not locked, and no one was in the stall.

I IM R as soon as I walk over to my desk.
M: oh wow
R: THAT was hysterical.

Later after lunch, the manager's standing at my desk so I ask him if he was scared that he was going to find someone dead in the restroom. The manager says, "I wasn't scared that I would find someone dead , I was more afraid that I would find someone dead with their pants around their ankles."


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